Total Bitcoin Gold (sum of all currently existing Bitcoin Gold) | 19,798,225 BTG |
Market Capitalization (market value of all currently existing Bitcoin Gold) | $177,194,113 |
Bitcoin Gold Price (Bitcoin Gold price history charts) | 1 BTG = 8.95 USD (2025-01-25 08:05:55 UTC) hitbtc: 7.47 USD (2025-01-26 14:49:02 UTC) gateio: 0.000084 BTC (2025-01-26 14:50:05 UTC) hitbtc: 0.000058 BTC (2025-01-26 14:49:02 UTC) gateio: 8.78 USDT (2025-01-26 14:50:05 UTC) hitbtc: 0.002 ETH (2025-01-26 14:49:02 UTC) ...more... 1 USD = 0.112 BTG 1 BTC = 11,876.48 BTG 1 USDT = 0.114 BTG 1 ETH = 503.52 BTG 1 USDC = 0.159 BTG |
all time1 year1 month | |
Transactions last 24h (Number of transactions in blockchain per day) | 486 |
Transactions avg. per hour | 20 |
Bitcoin Golds sent last 24h | 3,149,552 BTG ($28,188,494) 15.91% market cap |
Bitcoin Golds sent avg. per hour (last 24h) | 131,231 BTG ($1,174,521) |
Avg. Transaction Value | 6,481 BTG ($58,001) |
Median Transaction Value | 399.86 BTG ($3,578.76) |
Avg. Transaction Fee | 0.00011 BTG ($0.00097) 0.00000016 BTG/byte |
Median Transaction Fee | 0.000045 BTG ($0.0004) |
Block Time (average time between blocks) | 10m 0s |
Blocks Count | 879,691 (2025-01-26 14:52:58 UTC) |
Block Size | 2.99 KBytes |
Blocks last 24h | 144 |
Blocks avg. per hour (last 24h) | 6 |
Reward Per Block | 3.13+0.000417 BTG ($27.97) |
Reward (last 24h) | 450+0.06 BTG ($4,028.04) |
Fee in Reward (Average Fee Percentage in Total Block Reward) | 0.02% |
Difficulty | 98.11 K |
Hashrate | 1.32 Mhash/s -8.81% in 24 hours |
Bitcoin Gold Mining Profitability | 3.045 USD/Day for 1 KHash/s |
Top 100 Richest | 8,528,252 BTG ($76,327,854) 43.08% Total |
Wealth Distribution Top 10/100/1,000/10,000 addesses | 28.05% / 43.08% / 56.63% / 72.61% Total |
Addresses richer than 1/100/1,000/10,000 USD | 1,450,141 / 104,678 / 10,341 / 1,186 |
Active Addresses last 24h (Number of unique (from or to) addresses per day) | 3,545 |
100 Largest Transactions | last 24h: 1,846,432 BTG ($16,525,571) 58.63% Total |
First Block (Bitcoin Gold creation date) | 2009-01-09 |
Blockchain Size (Bitcoin Gold database size) | 167.75 GB |
Reddit subscribers | 4,258 |
Github release | v0.17.3 (2020-08-01) |
Github stars | 669 |
Github last commit | 2024-12-22 |
Homepage | |
BitcoinTalk | 3000 posts |
Days Destroyed last 24h / Total Bitcoin Golds | 0.1825 |
2025-01-26 14:55:03 UTC