Bitcoin (BTC) price stats and information

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Total Bitcoin
(sum of all currently existing Bitcoin)
19,766,777 BTC
Bitcoin Logo Market Capitalization
(market value of all currently existing Bitcoin)
Bitcoin Price
(Bitcoin price history charts)
1 BTC = 64,873.38 USD (2024-10-14 10:32:36 UTC)
p2pb2b: 64,869.63 USD (2024-10-14 10:39:41 UTC)
coinbase: 64,842.14 USD (2024-10-14 10:40:02 UTC)
bitstamp: 64,773 USD (2024-10-14 10:35:01 UTC)
kraken: 64,819.6 USD (2024-10-14 10:40:01 UTC)
bitfinex: 64,930 USD (2024-10-14 10:39:01 UTC)

1 USD = 0.000015 BTC
1 EUR = 0.000017 BTC
1 JPY = 0.0000001 BTC
1 FDUSD = 0.000015 BTC
1 USDT = 0.000015 BTC
1 USDC = 0.000015 BTC
all time1 year1 month
Transactions last 24h
(Number of transactions in blockchain per day)
Transactions avg. per hour 22,230
Bitcoins sent last 24h92,737 BTC ($6,016,163,422) 0.4692% market cap
Bitcoins sent avg. per hour (last 24h)3,864 BTC ($250,673,476)
Avg. Transaction Value0.1738 BTC ($11,276)
Median Transaction Value0.0015 BTC ($96.07)
Avg. Transaction Fee0.000037 BTC ($2.39) 21.9 sats/vB
Median Transaction Fee0.000015 BTC ($0.979) 9 sats/vB
Bitcoin Fee Histogram last 24h
Block Time
(average time between blocks)
11m 54s
Blocks Count865,583 (2024-10-14 10:29:14 UTC)
Block Size818.6 KBytes
Blocks last 24h120
Blocks avg. per hour (last 24h)5
Reward Per Block3.125+0.1916 BTC ($215,160.12) next halving @ block 1050000 (in 184417 blocks ~ 1263 days)
Reward (last 24h)375+22.99 BTC ($25,819,214.28)
Fee in Reward
(Average Fee Percentage in Total Block Reward)
Difficulty92.05 T next retarget @ block 866880 (in 1297 blocks ~ 9 days 1 hours)
Hashrate637.24 Ehash/s -5.52% in 24 hours
Bitcoin Mining Profitability0.0405 USD/Day for 1 THash/s
Top 100 Richest3,032,418 BTC ($196,723,170,105) 15.34% Total
Wealth Distribution
Top 10/100/1,000/10,000 addesses
6.04% / 15.34% / 32.84% / 56.14% Total
Addresses richer than
1/100/1,000/10,000 USD
46,492,902 / 21,793,938 / 10,458,216 / 3,463,007
Active Addresses last 24h
(Number of unique (from or to) addresses per day)
100 Largest Transactionslast 24h: 187,346 BTC ($12,153,742,339) 202.02% Total
First Block
(Bitcoin creation date)
Blockchain Size
(Bitcoin database size)
491.50 GB
Reddit subscribers5,960,966
Github releasev28.0 (2024-10-05)
Github stars78858
Github last commit2024-10-11
Days Destroyed last 24h / Total Bitcoins0.2563
2024-10-14 10:41:32 UTC
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