Correlations Correlations between Cryptocoins Correlation coefficient is calculated as average from correlations between different factors (transactions count, block size, number of tweets...) for the last 3 month. Correlation doesn't always mean causation.. Bitcoin Ethereum XRP Litecoin Bitcoin Cash Dogecoin Monero Bitcoin SV Dash Zcash Ethereum Classic Bitcoin Gold Vertcoin Bitcoin 1 0.473 0.91 0.368 0.281 0.404 0.385 0.245 0.285 0.247 0.499 0.04 0.109 Ethereum 0.473 1 0.848 0.415 0.372 0.226 0.437 0.592 0.411 0.249 0.419 0.161 0.106 XRP 0.91 0.848 1 0.946 0.778 0.806 0.911 0.56 0.888 0.853 0.81 0.131 0.3 Litecoin 0.368 0.415 0.946 1 0.256 0.371 0.454 0.269 0.356 0.216 0.552 0.004 0.05 Bitcoin Cash 0.281 0.372 0.778 0.256 1 0.2 0.312 0.419 0.331 0.284 0.368 0.111 0.035 Dogecoin 0.404 0.226 0.806 0.371 0.2 1 0.395 0.145 0.283 0.245 0.464 0.037 0.026 Monero 0.385 0.437 0.911 0.454 0.312 0.395 1 0.113 0.363 0.147 0.447 -0.117 0.126 Bitcoin SV 0.245 0.592 0.56 0.269 0.419 0.145 0.113 1 0.306 0.149 0.285 0.314 0.177 Dash 0.285 0.411 0.888 0.356 0.331 0.283 0.363 0.306 1 0.223 0.459 0.063 -0.018 Zcash 0.247 0.249 0.853 0.216 0.284 0.245 0.147 0.149 0.223 1 0.248 0.211 0.159 Ethereum Classic 0.499 0.419 0.81 0.552 0.368 0.464 0.447 0.285 0.459 0.248 1 0.086 0.062 Bitcoin Gold 0.04 0.161 0.131 0.004 0.111 0.037 -0.117 0.314 0.063 0.211 0.086 1 0.143 Vertcoin 0.109 0.106 0.3 0.05 0.035 0.026 0.126 0.177 -0.018 0.159 0.062 0.143 1
Correlations between price and different factors for the last 3 month Bitcoin Ethereum XRP Litecoin Bitcoin Cash Dogecoin Monero Bitcoin SV Dash Zcash Ethereum Classic Bitcoin Gold Vertcoin Transactions -0.567 0.675 0.499 -0.044 -0.157 0.026 0.388 0.389 -0.542 0.185 -0.056 -0.027 Block Size 0.325 0.65 0.386 -0.005 -0.237 -0.076 0.449 0.339 -0.292 0.216 0.141 0.066 Sent from addresses 0.129 0.669 0.439 0.011 0.229 0.341 0.376 0.042 0.03 Difficulty 0.801 0.7 0.864 0.505 0.561 0.305 0.631 -0.454 0.57 0.85 0.11 Hashrate 0.341 0.705 0.552 0.502 0.534 0.214 0.631 -0.458 0.578 0.825 0.093 Mining Profitability 0.775 0.686 0.698 0.906 0.753 0.481 0.948 0.678 0.89 0.386 Sent in USD 0.315 0.442 0.941 0.577 0.386 0.597 0.537 0.017 0.073 Avg. Transaction Fee 0.206 0.377 0.771 0.11 0.389 0.554 0.602 0.923 0.804 0.491 0.259 Median Transaction Fee 0.155 0.423 0.977 0.844 0.153 -0.267 0.999 0.294 0.623 Block Time 0.185 0.22 -0.036 -0.017 0.151 0.046 -0.019 -0.052 0.032 0.23 0.031 0.033 Market Capitalization 1 0.999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.999 1 0.999 Avg. Transaction Value 0.594 0.39 0.92 0.435 0.352 0.669 0.555 0.085 -0.214 Median Transaction Value 0.552 0.005 0.627 -0.005 0.12 -0.166 0.607 0.55 -0.464 0.181 Tweets GTrends Active Addresses 0.263 0.561 0.443 -0.024 0.223 0.302 0.319 0.003 0.139 Top100ToTotal -0.631 -0.241 0.03 -0.794 0.697 0.567 0.181 Fee in Reward -0.206 -0.146 0.065 0.032 -0.068 -0.047 0.279 0.172 0.254 0.105
2025-01-20 11:10:28 UTC