Dash (DASH) price stats and information

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Total Dash
(sum of all currently existing Dash)
12,146,207 DASH
Dash Logo Market Capitalization
(market value of all currently existing Dash)
Dash Price
(Dash price history charts)
1 DASH = 27.14 USD (2025-02-11 03:23:53 UTC)
coinbase: 27.08 USD (2025-02-11 03:24:01 UTC)
bitfinex: 27.14 USD (2025-02-11 03:27:01 UTC)
cex.io: 25.63 USD (2025-02-11 03:24:01 UTC)
hitbtc: 27.09 USD (2025-02-11 03:21:01 UTC)
binance: 0.00028 BTC (2025-02-11 03:27:01 UTC)

1 USD = 0.037 DASH
1 BTC = 3,604.9 DASH
1 EUR = 0.04 DASH
1 USDT = 0.037 DASH
1 USDC = 0.037 DASH
1 ETH = 97.85 DASH
all time1 year1 month
Transactions last 24h
(Number of transactions in blockchain per day)
Transactions avg. per hour 641
Dashs sent last 24h1,553,487 DASH ($42,159,786) 12.79% market cap
Dashs sent avg. per hour (last 24h)64,729 DASH ($1,756,658)
Avg. Transaction Value101.01 DASH ($2,741)
Median Transaction Value2.92 DASH ($79.25)
Avg. Transaction Fee0.000034 DASH ($0.00092) 0.00000005 DASH/byte
Median Transaction Fee0.0000025 DASH ($0.000069)
Block Time
(average time between blocks)
2m 38s
Blocks Count2,220,575 (2025-02-11 03:25:56 UTC)
Block Size21.01 KBytes
Blocks last 24h547
Blocks avg. per hour (last 24h)23
Reward Per Block1.91+0.000658 DASH ($51.76)*
Reward (last 24h)1,642+0.3601 DASH ($44,569.9)*
Fee in Reward
(Average Fee Percentage in Total Block Reward)
Difficulty104.94 M
Hashrate2.87 Phash/s -6.04% in 24 hours
Dash Mining Profitability7.7663 USD/Day for 1 THash/s
Top 100 Richest4,184,866 DASH ($113,572,297) 34.45% Total
Wealth Distribution
Top 10/100/1,000/10,000 addesses
18.93% / 34.45% / 56.03% / 90.85% Total
Addresses richer than
1/100/1,000/10,000 USD
431,064 / 76,881 / 15,202 / 4,851
Active Addresses last 24h
(Number of unique (from or to) addresses per day)
100 Largest Transactionslast 24h: 167,849 DASH ($4,555,226) 10.80% Total
First Block
(Dash creation date)
Blockchain Size
(Dash database size)
36.54 GB
Reddit subscribers46,056
Github releasev22.1.0 (2025-02-10)
Github stars1498
Github last commit2025-02-10
BitcoinTalk140240 posts
Days Destroyed last 24h / Total Dashs0.1098
2025-02-11 03:27:58 UTC
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