Total Ethereum (sum of all currently existing Ethereum) | 134,688,871 ETH |
Market Capitalization (market value of all currently existing Ethereum) | $457,341,335,213 |
Ether Price (Ethereum price history charts) | 1 ETH = 3,395.54 USD (2025-01-24 14:06:21 UTC) coinbase: 3,389.68 USD (2025-01-24 14:16:02 UTC) kraken: 3,386.99 USD (2025-01-24 14:15:01 UTC) gemini: 3,388.66 USD (2025-01-24 14:12:02 UTC) bitstamp: 3,387.7 USD (2025-01-24 14:15:04 UTC) bitfinex: 3,385.9 USD (2025-01-24 14:15:01 UTC) ...more... 1 USD = 0.00029 ETH 1 BTC = 31.01 ETH 1 EUR = 0.00031 ETH 1 JPY = 0.0000019 ETH 1 USDT = 0.0003 ETH 1 FDUSD = 0.00029 ETH |
all time1 year1 month | |
Transactions last 24h (Number of transactions in blockchain per day) | 1,331,943 |
Transactions avg. per hour | 55,498 |
Ethereums sent last 24h | 2,389,166 ETH ($8,112,508,265) 1.77% market cap |
Ethereums sent avg. per hour (last 24h) | 99,549 ETH ($338,021,178) |
Avg. Transaction Value (last 24h) | 1.79 ETH ($6,091) |
Median Transaction Value | 0 ETH ($0.0000000000002) |
Avg. Transaction Fee | 0.0012 ETH ($4.24) |
Median Transaction Fee | 0.00048 ETH ($1.65) |
Ethereum Fee Histogram last 24h | |
Block Time (average time between blocks) | 12s |
Blocks Count | 21,694,896 (2025-01-24 14:15:47 UTC) |
Block Size | 78.93 KBytes |
Blocks last 24h | 7,165 |
Blocks avg. per hour (last 24h) | 299 |
Reward Per Block | 2+0.232+0+0-0.1723 ETH ($6,993.87) |
Reward (last 24h) | 14,330+1662+0+0-1235 ETH ($50,111,078.52) |
Fee in Reward (Average Fee Percentage in Total Block Reward) | 2.62% |
Difficulty | |
Hashrate | 0hash/s |
Ethereum Mining Profitability | 0 USD/Day for 1 Hash/s |
Active Addresses last 24h (Number of unique (from or to) addresses per day) | 839,933 |
100 Largest Transactions | last 24h: 791,937 ETH ($2,689,054,529) 33.15% Total |
First Block (Ethereum creation date) | 2015-07-30 |
Blockchain Size (Ethereum database size) | 345.17 GB |
Reddit subscribers | 3,387,678 |
Tweets per day #Ethereum | 20,742 |
Github release | v1.14.12 (2024-11-19) |
Github stars | 48195 |
Github last commit | 2025-01-23 |
Homepage | |
BitcoinTalk | 26180 posts |
2025-01-24 14:17:10 UTC