Ethereum (ETH) price stats and information

Total Ethereum
(sum of all currently existing Ethereum)
134,688,871 ETH
Ethereum Logo Market Capitalization
(market value of all currently existing Ethereum)
Ether Price
(Ethereum price history charts)
1 ETH = 3,395.54 USD (2025-01-24 14:06:21 UTC)
coinbase: 3,389.68 USD (2025-01-24 14:16:02 UTC)
kraken: 3,386.99 USD (2025-01-24 14:15:01 UTC)
gemini: 3,388.66 USD (2025-01-24 14:12:02 UTC)
bitstamp: 3,387.7 USD (2025-01-24 14:15:04 UTC)
bitfinex: 3,385.9 USD (2025-01-24 14:15:01 UTC)

1 USD = 0.00029 ETH
1 BTC = 31.01 ETH
1 EUR = 0.00031 ETH
1 JPY = 0.0000019 ETH
1 USDT = 0.0003 ETH
1 FDUSD = 0.00029 ETH
all time1 year1 month
Transactions last 24h
(Number of transactions in blockchain per day)
Transactions avg. per hour 55,498
Ethereums sent last 24h2,389,166 ETH ($8,112,508,265) 1.77% market cap
Ethereums sent avg. per hour (last 24h)99,549 ETH ($338,021,178)
Avg. Transaction Value (last 24h)1.79 ETH ($6,091)
Median Transaction Value0 ETH ($0.0000000000002)
Avg. Transaction Fee0.0012 ETH ($4.24)
Median Transaction Fee0.00048 ETH ($1.65)
Ethereum Fee Histogram last 24h
Block Time
(average time between blocks)
Blocks Count 21,694,896 (2025-01-24 14:15:47 UTC)
Block Size78.93 KBytes
Blocks last 24h7,165
Blocks avg. per hour (last 24h)299
Reward Per Block2+0.232+0+0-0.1723 ETH ($6,993.87)
Reward (last 24h)14,330+1662+0+0-1235 ETH ($50,111,078.52)
Fee in Reward
(Average Fee Percentage in Total Block Reward)
Ethereum Mining Profitability0 USD/Day for 1 Hash/s
Active Addresses last 24h
(Number of unique (from or to) addresses per day)
100 Largest Transactionslast 24h: 791,937 ETH ($2,689,054,529) 33.15% Total
First Block
(Ethereum creation date)
Blockchain Size
(Ethereum database size)
345.17 GB
Reddit subscribers3,387,678
Tweets per day #Ethereum20,742
Github releasev1.14.12 (2024-11-19)
Github stars48195
Github last commit2025-01-23
BitcoinTalk26180 posts
2025-01-24 14:17:10 UTC
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