OmiseGO (OMG) price stats and information

Total OmiseGO
(sum of all currently existing OmiseGO)
140,198,857 OMG
OmiseGO LogoOmiseGO Price
(OmiseGO price history charts)
1 OMG = $ 0.331 USD (2025-01-26 10:54:07 UTC)
bitfinex: 0.329 USD (2025-01-26 11:00:02 UTC)
bitfinex: 0.0000031 BTC (2025-01-26 11:00:02 UTC)
kucoin: 0.0000032 BTC (2025-01-26 11:00:04 UTC)
gateio: 0.0000032 BTC (2025-01-26 11:00:05 UTC)
huobi: 0.331 USDT (2025-01-26 10:43:22 UTC)

1 USD = 3.02 OMG
1 BTC = 318,471.34 OMG
1 USDT = 3.02 OMG
1 ETH = 9,920.63 OMG
1 TRY = 0.084 OMG
Market Capitalization
(market value of all currently existing OmiseGO)
$46,453,593 USD
Reddit subscribers42,635
Tweets per day #OmiseGO1
BitcoinTalk1560 posts
First Trade2017-07-16
all time1 month
2025-01-26 11:00:13 UTC
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