Peercoin (PPC) price stats and information

Total Peercoin
(sum of all currently existing Peercoin)
25,875,909 PPC
Peercoin LogoPeercoin Price
(Peercoin price history charts)
1 PPC = $ 0.0000000000029 USD (2023-05-14 14:32:39 UTC)
1 USD = 344,827,586,206.9 PPC
Market Capitalization
(market value of all currently existing Peercoin)
$7.50401361E-5 USD
Reddit subscribers9,486
Tweets per day #Peercoin54
Github releasev0.14.9ppc (2024-07-31)
Github stars565
Github last commit2024-07-31
BitcoinTalk2840 posts
First Block2012-08-19
First Trade2013-12-21
Last Trade2023-05-14
all time1 month
2025-01-17 10:52:00 UTC
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